Get Involved
Our service seeks to provide an exciting opportunity to young people who won’t be challenged enough by traditional day care and aren’t quite ready to jump into the world of employment.
Leaving school can be an anxious time for the whole family. Send House wants to build the excitement in leaving school, creating that feeling of ‘better days ahead’ by providing an innovative participant focused programme.
Send House doesn’t want to be ‘the only option’ but ‘the best option’ for participants.
How do you access Send House?
Send House receives referrals from schools, parents, the Education Authority Transition Officers, the Department of Economy Careers Service, and local Health Trusts.
Zak and Jonny from Send House will get in touch and have an initial information meeting with families. They can also attend a young adults School Annual Review Meeting at both 18 years old and their final Annual Review at 19 years old.
At 18 years old the parents of a potential participant will visit Send House for coffee and a tour to show off all we can offer. The participant can then attend several taster days for assessment of suitability to the service.
The young person’s social worker can make an application to Send House and the Adult Day Care Panel for placement funding. All participants require a Social Worker in order to access the service.
Following a successful application and funding approval, participants will receive their welcome pack in August and begin their next big step in September.
Send House is a Self-Directed Support Placement. Please note participants would need to meet the following criteria to be eligible for a place at Send House.
A Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Age 18+
Known to Adult Learning Disability Services of a Health & Social Care Trust
Have a Social Worker
Able to work for short periods of time independently
Manage own personal care needs
Not display very challenging behaviour
Access to transport or able to travel independently on Send House Transport
Willing to engage in Send House activities and meet necessary health and safety standards
A service that works for you
Flexible Day Placements
Our 4 day placement runs Monday-Thursday. We also offer 3 day or 2 day week placements. All three packages offer opportunities tailored to the participant’s needs and areas of desired development. Referrals are now open!
Send House Sessions
Learn to play an instrument, make a movie, host a radio show, make the best cup of coffee all at Send House. We offer 3 hour individual learning sessions, all accessible to young adults with SLD. Check out the full list of our Send House sessions.
Day Trips & Nights Out
Send House aims to make our community as accessible as possible. Our amazing staff accompany you on our fun excursions and night events. Our trips will pop up throughout the month so sign up to our mailing list to be kept in the loop.
Send House Adventures
Send your loved one on a big adventure! Send House makes traveling a breeze with bespoke and accessible holidays for young adults with SLD. Say hello to Mickey at Disneyland or ski for the first time at a European resort. Don’t miss the chance of a lifetime.
Make A Referral
Fill out and send us a referral form to get the process started.
Got A Question?
We are more than happy to help and answer any questions you might have, say hello!